Understanding and Boosting Employee Motivation in Virtual and Hybrid Workplaces

A collaborated article by Pulse Motivation and Trove aimed at identifying motivational themes and addressing certain workplace shortcomings with tangible, practical solutions.

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Summary: As remote and hybrid work becomes the norm, organisations face challenges in maintaining employee motivation, which varies based on personal and environmental factors. Tools like Pulse Motivation help leaders understand what drives their teams at a primary and secondary level. In understanding some key drivers in Pulse alongside new Gallup insights regarding loneliness, platforms like Trove offer engaging virtual experiences that foster team bonding and a solution to Working with Others, transforming remote work into a more connected and productive experience.

As the shift to virtual and hybrid working solidifies, organisations are facing new challenges that were previously unimaginable. Whilst remote working has opened doors to greater flexibility and autonomy, it has also introduced hurdles in maintaining employee motivation.

Motivation, however, is not a one-size-fits-all. It’s influenced by a complex mix of factors ranging from individual goals and personal values to the overall work environment and team dynamics. In a hybrid world, these factors become even more nuanced, as employees navigate the balance between remote work’s flexibility and the potential for isolation. This makes it imperative for leaders to have the right tools to unpack and address their team’s motivational needs. Tools like Pulse Motivation provide valuable insights into what motivates and drives individual employees, including their levels of engagement and commitment to stay in an organisation. This allows leaders to tailor their approaches to meet the diverse needs of their teams effectively. 

In a recent statistical analysis of over 500 Pulse Motivation assessments, the dominant primary and secondary drivers across the data set was analysed. Primary drivers are defined as both external and innate drivers that are deep-rooted within people, and have a significant and tangible impact on an employee’s overall motivation and drive at work. Secondary drivers are linked to the environment and the way in which the business operates and how that impacts motivation at work. 

More than 80% of the sample mentioned Goal Direction (working towards and achieving goals) and Drive to Improve (driving to be the best version of yourself) as the  primary drivers they identified strongly with, followed by over 65% of the sample adding that Fulfilment (doing work that is meaningful), Job SecurityPurpose (where one’s purpose is aligned to one’s work) and Career Advancement were their primary drivers. 

When looking at secondary drivers, over half of the sample mentioned Task Completion, Autonomy, Innovation, and notably Working with Others (the need to feel a sense of belonging and connection within their teams) as the drivers which were most important to them. These results should not be overlooked, particularly due to the nature of the working environment having changed significantly and the associated decreased opportunities to connect with others.

This Pulse Motivation data combined with insights linked to Gallup’s 2024 Workplace Report  highlights a new dimension that has come to light since remote working became the norm –  loneliness. The Gallup data suggests that 1 in 5 employees globally report feeling lonely – a statistic that corroborates Pulse Motivation’s finding of the strong desire to “Work with Others” and ultimately highlights the critical need to connect with others.  

Empowered with this information, leaders have a duty to act. This is where innovative tools like Trove come into play. Trove is a new digital platform offering unique and engaging live virtual team experiences delivered by handpicked hosts. These experiences have been designed to include engaging storytelling, interactive elements to foster reflection and participation, and one or more real-world takeaways. Each experience draws on the hosts incredible stories, experiences, knowledge and expertise to deliver specific outcomes – aligned to each of the experience categories: Motivation, Growth, Connection and Unwind.

Leaders are seemingly stuck for tools that contribute to creating an environment that is conducive to continuous learning, high performance, and supportive trust-based connections. Without this set-up, people can’t grow and realise their potential. Trove offers the perfect solution for leaders working to create a sense of community within their teams, elevate learning and development initiatives, or simply bond with their teams over fascinating stories.

Trove experiences easily replace or augment current repertoires, delivering on inclusion and enjoyment for the entire team. These experiences are not just about fun; they’re about creating memorable moments that stretch our minds, boost a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the team, and over time enhance employee engagement. 

By prioritising regular, intentional team connections that blend engagement with purpose, leaders will transform their team’s experiences of remote working into an opportunity for enhancing motivation and performance. All it takes is dedicating just one hour of the team’s time each month to a virtual social – it is a small commitment with profound, long-lasting impacts.

So, as we navigate the complexities of virtual and hybrid workplaces, it’s clear that understanding and boosting employee motivation requires a strategic, multifaceted approach. The insights gleaned from tools like Pulse Motivation highlight the importance of tailoring motivational strategies to meet individual needs, acknowledging that each employee is driven by a unique blend of personal aspirations and environmental factors.

The growing emphasis on connection and collaboration cannot be overlooked. As loneliness becomes a pervasive issue in remote settings, fostering a culture of belonging and community is more critical than ever. Leaders must prioritise initiatives that create meaningful interactions and nurture relationships within teams, effectively combating feelings of isolation and enhancing overall job satisfaction.

For more information on how Pulse Motivation or Trove can help your business, contact [email protected] and [email protected].

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